In the post-pandemic world, we need to revive the values of communal support

Why Cohesiveness might just be the key to societal benefit. Including Corporate world

Yash Thakur
3 min readFeb 3, 2021

Though on paper I do not have much experience to show for it, I think this message needs to be put out regardless. So for the next few minutes, I might dish out a few things that might make a few people uncomfortable but PLEASE bear with me.

The future of sustainable growth in the corporate world is cohesiveness

And it’s not something that I just made up. This has been the case since very the first humans set foot on this planet. Humans, though very ineffectual in surviving in the wild on their own, achieved great success in surviving & conquering this vast & difficult landmass that we call the earth. The intricate relationships between early men led to the formation of BANDS — A tight-knit group which worked together to face the day to day challenges that the world threw at them. THEY HAD EACH OTHER’S BACK & no matter what come may, they were ready to STAND UP for the member of their band any time of the day.

It is the result of this collective work that he trod the most difficult of terrains, faced the most dangerous of the Animalia & expanded his horizon in his pursuit to discover lands far and wide. At the end he won, the human spirit won creating a vast pathway of opportunities for his future generations to leverage. This was only made possible because of his cooperation, teamwork and camaraderie.

This makes me wonder, if we have done this before why don’t we seem to be doing this now? Why is that the freshers find themselves performing tedious jobs with nobody to guide him? Why is that we wish our colleagues well but have a feeling of animosity with the people in other departments? aren’t they humans too? Why are most HRs more laid back than they should be? Why is a disagreement with the boss’s ideas taken as a personal attack? Why are we okay with this pay gap?

While all these are valid questions, the answer lies in one thing cohesiveness.

Whether you like it or not, all of us are connected in some way or another. Though we seem to be forgetting it as we have gone through the stages of evolution, but it’s the truth. A bunch of like-minded people working together have the potential of bringing in massive changes in society, & if you look back at it historically, they are the only thing that has. It is also the reason why a startup with a tight-knit group working out from a garage was able to revolutionise how we communicate today. Why? Because they believed; not only in their idea but also in each other. They had each other’s back so when one person got stuck doing something the others helped him out, to make sure everyone crosses the line together. Values that we seem to have forgotten in this day & age.

Now, I want you all to think ahead, far ahead; about your future generations. What if because of your investment in connections rather than monetary assets they are in a position to get recommended for their dream job? Wouldn’t that be great if the help they received came from the person you helped one fine day?

Now, Imagine

Imagine if everybody was doing it.

Trading goodwill instead of Goods.

Offering help in addition to their helpful advice.

Lifting them through the tough times and celebrating in their best.

I think I know what will happen; we will form something of the sort of a modern-day human BAND.

Bands which will achieve goals more efficiently, effectively and will be more than happy to offer a helping hand & cover for each other in times of need. Including the circumstances we faced during the covid-19 pandemic.



Yash Thakur

On a mission of expanding horizons everyday. Hospitality Graduate || Travel Marketer || Blogger || Learner